On a cold windy day the year sevens and eights from a wonderful smart school called Glenbrae went on a wonderful, active trip to Long Bay.
Where we were going to study about marine life as that was part of our topic for this term. We all traveled by one bright green bus the shape of a rectangle when we all arrived there we quietly walked to the same old shelter where we went before. As soon we got to the shelter we all met three instructors.The instructors from Long Bay are Maureen, James, and Sarah. we had to sit on the cold dirty ground, where we all formed up into lines by year levels. We then were given an instructor for each group. The year sevens had James and the year six had Maureen, and the year eights had Sarah. The year eights walked near the rocky shore to experience the creature that are set in the water pool,Sarah gave each group a little booklet that we will get to see in the water pool. After we took a peek in all the pages we got the time to settle into a formal line.On the way to the water pool we had to keep an eye out for the rubbish we might able to see, then we carried on walking a few minute later we were there and then Sarah our instructor asked each groups caregiver, if they want to take their group to look around for different kind of sea creatures.But before each group went to go and look around each group was given a white container.After we look at all the different kind of sea animal we all walked back to a shelter.And then it was coming to the sad part when it was time to go back to school. I felt so contented spending my day at long bay the best part for me was when we had to go to the rocky shore.